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Ladies hostel facility is available in this campus for regular students. It is named as Subhadra ladies hostel and situated in the campus premises. The foundation stone for the hostel was laid in 2002 by the then Human Resource Development Minister, Dr Murali Manohar Joshi in the presence of Shri Bindyeshwar Prasad Himanshu, the then Principal of the campus. The total cost of the building has been wholly funded by the Government of India through Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. It was inaugurated in 2007 by the then Human Resource Development Minister, Shri Arjun Singh in the presence of Principal, Professor G. Gangana.

The hostel has three floors and 54 rooms. Every room has three beds and three cupboards. There are 18 number of washrooms and bathrooms. There is a study hall, a multipurpose hall, a store room, a dining room and a kitchen available in the hostel premises. The office of the warden is situated in the ground floor of the building.

The three storage hostel building has the following facilities:

Total rooms  - 54

Study hall - 1

Multipurpose hall - 1

Kitchen with dining hall - 1

Office room -  1

Store room -  2

Toilets - 18

Bathrooms - 18

Office table - 2

Office chair - 1

Big aquaguard - 2

Small aquaguard - 2

Dining table - 7

Plastic chairs - 82

Students bed - 173

Bed ply - 165

Fans - 126

Wooden chairs - 57

Wooden tables - 47

Study tables  - 17

TV - 1

Waiting chair -  2

Notice board - 1

Key holder board -  2

Almirah -  2

Wall clock - 1



The primary objective of the hostel is to provide comfortable accommodation to the students of University. The main objectives are -

  • To provide a holistic environment of brotherhood among students.
  • To provide opportunity to learn Sanskrit traditionally by economically, socially backward students including S.C., S.T. and O.B.C. students.
  • To highlight the traditional Sanskrit learning system.
  • To attract the students to learn Sanskrit from other states.
  • To enhance proper study atmosphere.

The admission into hostel is purely on merit cum distance basis. The applicant seeking admission into hostel should submit following documents along with application form.

  • Admission receipt
  • Mark sheet of the last qualified examination.
  • Address proof of self or parent (Voter ID card or Aadhar card)

After scrutiny of the documents, the hostel committee will prepare the merit list and display on the notice board of Campus. The student has to pay required fee as decided by competent authority from time to time.

In case, a candidate leaves the hostel in the middle of his study or after completing study the caution money deposited by her shall be refundable to her by cash.

Central Sanskrit University, Shree Sadashiva Campus, Puri is one of the Campuses of Central Sanskrit University. Hostel facility is available in the campus premises for admitted students. Priority will be given to those students who are coming from long distance to this Campus in getting the hostel facility first. This Campus Ladies Hostel functions from the month of July usually. The decision of the Director is final for selection of students who are applying for admission. There are rules to be followed by the inmate students of hostel. The rules to be followed are mentioned below:

  1. The Campus Director has decided an amount that should be deposited by the students while taking admission in the Ladies Hostel. Entry Fee, Lodging Fee & Boarding Fee are including in this
  2. The hostel fee should be deposited annually. 
  3. The distance between home & Campus & last qualifying examination percentage will be required to get an admission in to the hostel.
  4. For the students the room will be allotted by the Ladies Hostel The room cannot be changed without the permission the Ladies Hostel Warden.
  5. Students should be self-responsible and self disciplined or it will be a hamper for other students’
  6. Ladies Hostel gate will be opened from morning 30 A.M. to evening 5.30 P.M. No admission after the time mentioned above without permission.
  7. In case of emergency by the knowledge of Warden the door can open with records maintained by the security. 
  8. Electronic devices are not allowed inside the hostel.
  9. Cleanliness of the hostel is to be maintained by the students of thehostel.
  10. Cooking not allowed inside the
  11. Non-Veg food is not allowed inside the
  12. Alcohol is not allowed inside the hostel, if anyone found will be rusticated.
  13. Wastage of water & electricity is to be avoided.
  14. Parents are not allowed to stay in this hostel. In case of an emergency, parents are allowed to stay in Guest House with a payment of Rs. 50/- per day & that is not more than 3 days.
  15. The records should be maintained at the entrance gate by the security.
  16. All residing students should participate in cultural activities in the hostel.
  17. No one can stay in hostel without attending the classes. 
  18. Outside students are not allowed in the hostel.
  19. Hostel students cannot keep much money & costly products with them.
  20. While staying in the hostel, the students can inform problems if any to the
  21. Ladies Hostel Warden & Deputy Warden will visit to check the hostel.
  22. Indiscipline students of the hostel will be
  23. For proper management of students, one leader will be
  24. After the final examination, the students are bound to leave the hostel.
  25. Before leaving the hostel the students should take their luggage, lock the room & give the key to the Warden.
  26. All students of the Ladies Hostel are instructed to maintain the discipline.
  27. Students are compulsorily to follow the rules of the
  28. Students are carefully keep the Money Receipt with them properly.
  29. Students are bound to present in the prayer class at the
  30. All the students were bound to follow all of the the above

a) Boarding facility

          Fooding facilities have been given on contract basis. The contractor provides 3 times food to the students such as Breakfast, lunch & dinner as per menu. Menu of mess changes according to the vegetables available seasonally in the market.  Only vegetarian food is allowed in the hostel.

b) Medical facility

          A doctor is appointed by campus for health check-up of the students regularly.  He visits the hostel once in a week &attends the students upon request by phone call.

c) Entertainment

          A Television with Tata Sky Dish connection is installed in the 2nd floor of the hostel.

d) News paper

          Two National daily news papers subscribed for hostel. They are –

  • Indian Express (English)
  • Samaj (Odia)

e) Sports & Games

          To ensure physical development of the inmates we have provided the Table tennis, Carroms, Chess, Volley ball andFoot ball equipments in the hostel. It enhances their sports spirit to participate in different competitions.

f) Creativity

          To encouragecreativity among the students, a display board kept infront of the officeroom. Students affix their articles,essays,poems, drawings, slokas, etc. on it.